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Reporter's ToolboxIn the ClassroomThis Issue


Getting Started

Research and Reporting

Writing Skills


Covering a Beat

 Ethics and the Law

Sound and Images


The Reporter's Toolbox

Whether you are an artist, a surgeon or a carpenter, you need specific tools to do your job well. It could be an unique colour of paint, a specific type of surgical instrument, or a certain kind of hammer.

Journalists also need their own set of tools - skills, devices and information that help them find stories and tell them in an interesting way.

This section of the SNN site will give you, the student journalist, some of the tools you need to get started. We've asked some experienced journalists to share their tips and tricks for interviewing, research and writing. We also have sections that explain how to add sounds and images to your stories for SNN and there's a section that points to journalism resources on the Web.

Take a look through the Reporter's Toolbox and be sure to borrow whatever you need!



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