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Reporter's ToolboxIn the ClassroomThis Issue


Journalism & the curriculum:

-- Language Arts NEW!

-- History

-- Science

-- Geography

-- French NEW!


Teacher resources:

-- Activities

-- Assignments

-- Writing for SNN

-- Online newspaper

-- Collaborations


In the Classroom

Teachers in Canadian schools are being challenged to keep up with an ever-changing educational and social environment. They must tackle the traditional curriculum, ensuring that their students leave their classroom with a solid understanding of the core subjects. Plus, they must give their students the skills and knowledge they need to function in a complex and technologically-advanced world.

To do this, teachers must find new ways to capture their students' attention and engage them in the learning process. That includes using innovative teaching methods and integrating lively, relevant materials into the classroom.

The SNN Web site can be a valuable tool for educators and it offers young people an exciting learning experience. Our classroom projects allow teachers to initiate thoughtful discussions among their students on the news media and its impact on society. Reporting and writing for SNN gives students a chance to learn how the media operates.

Whether they're writing about a sports star at their school or researching the prevalence of drug abuse among teens, student reporters are learning about their peers and their community. They are learning to think critically, to assess complex and sometimes contradictory information, to express their thoughts in writing, and to use technology as a tool for communicating ideas and news.

Here are some ideas for collaborative projects that the teacher can integrate into class activities. If you have a project or an idea that you would like listed here, please send a note to the SchoolNet News Coordinator. Keep checking this spot for new project ideas.

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