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SNN's Mentorship Program

Guidelines for SNN reporters

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Guidelines for SNN mentors

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Career advice for journalists


 Media Mentors

Let's say you're sitting at your computer in Manitoba, working on an editorial for SNN. You have all the facts before you. You have spelled out your point of view on the topic and you have just written a great closing line, one that should convince everyone to share your opinion.

But you're just not sure if the editorial flows. Does that comparison you made in the third paragraph work? Plus, it runs a little long. How can you trim it without losing important elements?

You don't have to ponder those questions on your own. Why not send it along to an established journalist in Nova Scotia and ask for their input?

That's how the Media Mentorship program works.

It pairs students like you with journalists who are working in newsrooms across the country. You connect via e-mail to discuss your story and any questions you have about reporting, writing, editing, and story ideas.

Interested? Check out the details on the SNN Media Mentors.

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