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SNN's Policies

Privacy policy

Any information that SNN collects from students or teachers will only be used for the purposes of the project. We may use your e-mail address or postal address to send you information about upcoming issues of SNN or new activities. But your name and personal information will not be sold or distributed to any other group. To learn more about privacy and safety for young people on the Web, we recommend that you read some of the excellent resources offered by the Media Awareness Network on its site.

Reporters' bylines

SNN's policy is to use a student's full name, school and city or town at the top of their story. That's known as a "byline" in the journalism world. Many students have indicated that they would like to have their work credited to them for use in their portfolios and on their résumés. However, if you would prefer not to use any or all of that information, please let us know and we will change your byline accordingly. If you and your parents and teachers would like to learn more about privacy and safety for young people on the Web, we recommend that you read some of the excellent resources offered by the Media Awareness Network on its site.

Copyright for SNN articles

The copyright for all of the stories that appear on SNN remains with the author. If you would like to reprint a story that was originally published on this site, please contact the SNN coordinator to arrange the necessary permission.

Copyright for SNN resources

We encourage teachers and students to use any of the materials featured in the Reporter's Toolbox and the In the Classroom sections. Please feel free to print, photocopy and distribute these materials in your classrooms and use them for educational activities. However, we would ask that you give credit to SNN when you use our materials. These materials are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced for commercial purposes.

Image copyright

SNN uses a variety of photos, logos, graphics and video segments on its sites. Most images were created by SNN staff and reporters or gleaned from a registered photo or graphic package such as Corel Clip Art or Kodak Photo Collection.

When SNN uses images created by other individuals and groups, SNN staff will request permission from the appropriate group and give credit for the work. We encourage student journalists to do the same if they send in photos or images with a story.

For more information about these policies, contact the SNN coordinator:
Phone: 709-737-2611


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