September 2001
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Believing You Can
By Gail Allen, Garden Valley Collegiate, Winkler MB

Believing in yourself, believing that you can is the start of everything in life. Being passionate about something makes you feel incredibly different than just living life. And reaching your goals is a joyous occasion.

If you have no idea what to do after school, don’t even bother worrying about it. You’ll know at the right time for you. Some people know what they want to do when they’re seven years old, some when they’re twenty. Everyone is different, unique, an exception to the rule, and incredibly special. "Life’s greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved," said French novelist Victor Hugo. There is always someone who loves you.

If someone says you are the most gifted artist they’ve ever known, you have talent. If someone says that you sing like an angel, you probably do, and you should really take note of that. If you want to be in a band and make a CD, don’t let anyone hold you back! If a desk job in the local bank is cool for you, go for it. And if you want to travel to Third World countries and become and aid worker or a missionary, start fund raising.

Don’t be afraid to go after what you want. You have only one life in which to accomplish everything. Don’t put it off. Don’t wait for tomorrow. The point is not to win. It’s not to always get you want. It’s to jump into life, to see what’s out there, and to discover who you are, what you can do, and what you’re meant to do. Believing you can will get you anywhere you want to go.


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