November 2002
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Catching up with Safwan
By Farah Furji, SNN Editor, Hugh Boyd Secondary, Richmond, BC

I had the opportunity to interview Wide Mouth Mason two years ago for a paper called "youthink" (based out of Vancouver.) I ended up keeping in touch with Safwan, the drummer from Wide Mouth Mason and had the chance to catch up with him after the release of the band's new album: Rained out Parade.

Farah: How is this album different from the last?

Safwan: Every album is like an audio photograph of the band at that particular moment in time. This album takes a little bit from our previous efforts, but it's different in that it's us now. It has a live feel to it, and there's a lot of air around the tones of the instruments. The house that we recorded it in was 170 years old and had a great vibe to it, so we tried to use it as an instrument itself, by using lots of different areas and mic.'ing techniques.

Farah: How did it feel to see your video air on Muchmusic?

Safwan: Seeing yourself on TV is like hearing your voice on a tape always feels awkward. From a business perspective, it's good to see your video getting air play.

Farah: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

Safwan: Paying off my gargantuan debt.

Farah: Has your relationship with Shaun and Earl changed in making this record?

Safwan: Our relationships change all the time, especially during and right after the making of a new record. We end up going through a process of great ups and downs as individuals and as a group. It culminates in us being much closer to each other, at the end of that process.

Farah: Who were some of your musical influences growing up?

Safwan: Michael Jackson. Public Enemy. De La Soul. Eric B. and Rakim. L.L. Cool J.

Farah: Did you play in any other bands before Wide Mouth Mason?

Safwan: Just school bands – ie jazz band.

Farah: What's the funniest thing that ever happened to you in high school?

Safwan: I can't really say that in public.

Farah: What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?

Safwan: I didn't listen to my father when he said, "You should go into Law School."

Farah: Have you ever had doubts about being a musician?

Safwan: Yes. Consistently.

Farah: What advice would you give to an aspiring musician?

Safwan: Keep it as a side project.


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