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Sending the Message This Christmas
By: Jennifer Kelly, Roncalli Central High, Port Saunders, NF

SADD membersIt's cold, freezing cold. The wind cuts through your skin. And what are students at Roncalli Central High School doing? Braving these bitter cold winds. Why you might ask? They are sending a message to people that they are against drunk driving.

A group of students from Roncalli have formed their own Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) Chapter. And for the first time, on December 12th, they began to let people know what they were doing. Dressed in bright orange vests and carrying signs, and with the aid of local RCMP Officers, they stopped vehicles. The students told the passengers what they were doing and then asked them if they could tie a red ribbon on their antenna. The red ribbon is the symbol of SADD and has the name printed on it.

Const. Christie and David Sparks look on as Dr. Ennis gives his presentationThe SADD Chapter of Roncalli have also held other activities throughout local communities to make people aware of what they are doing. Students have set up in stores and gas stations, handing out SADD ribbons to people who came in.

There was also a presentation held at Roncalli on December 19th for all the students of the school. Doctor Robert Ennis, Mental Health and Addictions Councilor David Sparks, and Constable Jeff Christie were on hand to give speeches to the students. The three speakers are very proud of the students at Roncalli for taking the initiative to start their own SADD Chapter.

Dr. Ennis was the first to talk to the students. "Who here wants a future?" he asked the students. That was the theme of Dr. Ennis's presentation. If kids start getting into drugs and alcohol early in life, they won't have too much of a future, he says. Mr. Sparks' presentation began by asking a few true or false questions about drugs and alcohol. Constable Christie reminded everyone that if they don't try and help other people, the drug and alcohol problem in this area will not stop, only continue to grow.

The students at Roncalli are trying to send one main message to people: be responsible, don't drink and drive. Don't get in a vehicle with anyone who has been drinking and if you see someone who is drinking and driving, put a stop to it. Talk them out of getting in that vehicle. Take their keys. Anything to stop them from driving.