
Young Stress

By: Kristen Brown
Roncalli Central High School
Port Saunders, NF.

Stress is present in the lives of each and everyone of us. Young and old alike, we all encounter our daily dilemmas and often times don't know where to turn. In particular, youth of today are often times bombarded with stress from all areas. Stress from school, friends, family, and society.

Mr. David Sparks, Mental Health & Addictions Officer at Rufus Guinchard Health Center, Port Saunders was present during the Family Living class on May 11th, 2000 to give an in-depth presentation on stress and how to deal with it. Sparks went on to say that there are many types of stressors which help build stress. Some of which include: decision making, death, sexuality, divorce, and too much work.

View clip of Mr. David Sparks

One point that Sparks kept coming back to was that "Asking for help shows you are strong. It's not a sign of weakness." He kept reminding everyone that there are many avenues to take that will help deal with the stresses of today. "If it's not your local hospital where people like myself are there to help, there are other helping-agents such as guidance councillors or family and friends." As a way to help relieve stress, Sparks played tapes that are said to help ease the pressures of stress. Students sat back with their eyes closed and just listened as their problems faded away.

When asked a question regarding the Port Saunders area and if it can create stress due to lack of facilities, Sparks replied, "In this area, money is a problem. There isn't much of anything in the area for teens to participate in and it seems to be the same everywhere you go in the province."

Now that the school year is coming to an end, students may feel the upcoming pressures of final exams, wondering what to do in the fall, or whether or not they will have a summer job. Sparks encourages you use the following tips to help reduce the stress:

  • Prioritize
  • Understand what is expected
  • Look positively at changes
  • Get help
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Take up a new hobby
