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Studies in science lead to interesting careers

By Lacey Haines
Frank Roberts Intermediate
Foxtrap, Newfoundland

 It is important for Canada to know how well students are doing in science. One reason is to see if the science being taught is enough to prepare students for future jobs. Another reason is to find out if there is enough or too much money for the science programs. The last reason why it is important for Canada to know how well students are doing in science is so they can improve the area of science that is not being learned well.

The first reason why it is important for the Canadian government to know how well students are doing in science is to see if the science programs are providing enough information and skills to quality for future jobs. One of the main purposes of school is to teach and prepare students for the future. If the science is not being loomed or the skills are not being taught, it would be harder for students to got a job. If the government sees that the skills are not being achieved, they could add to the science program so they will be achieved.

A second reason as to why it is important for Canada to know how well students are doing is to see if there is enough or too much money for the science program. By testing students on science they can see how well they are doing. If the students are not doing good, the government could put more money into the science. This money could go towards field trips and other activities to encourage students to learn. If students are doing really well, then the Canadian government could take money away to use somewhere else. If this happens, they should be careful not to take too much money away because if the students do less activities, they may lose interest.

The final reason is if the students are not showing positive results in the important areas of science, there are lots of things Canada could do about it. If the science is not being learned, they could update the textbooks by writing about more events that relate to the students. Canada could also add extra periods for science to provide more time. The government could hire more teachers or tutors to help in the science classes. The Canadian government could also see which areas of science are not being learned well and try to come up with ways to teach that area better and make it more enjoyable.

These are some reasons why it is important for Canada to know how well students are doing in science. Our education means a lot when the time comes to get a job and the government has a responsibility to make sure we get our education.

Science is not only fun, but important for a career in the international job market. To get a job, some know of science is important. A lot of toys that are used by kids are fun but also educational. As a child grows older, some of the knowledge and skills they learned from their toys may help them in their career if the science of the toys and the job are related.

The first reason why science is not only fun but important for a career is that most jobs require science skills or training. A person who knows a lot about science will have a greater choice of jobs than a person who doesn't. Even if a person knows a lot about one science like physics, there could be many jobs dealing with that science.

Secondly, a lot of kid's toys involve some type of science. One example is Legos. Legos are a fun way to learn architecture or engineering. It can develop for different structures and uses the basics of physics when you design something. These ideas could work for jobs when the child gets older. For instance, an electronics company is developing cheap robots to set off buried land mines. These small devices are designed to move like bugs and since they are so inexpensive there's no need to retrieve them. Instead of the lost land mines hurting a human, the robots will set them off.

These are a few reasons why science is not only fun but important for a career in the international job market. To get a good job, science is extremely important and we learn about science all the time.
