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Science in Canada

By Catherine Barry
Brother Rice High School
St. John's, Newfoundland

   "Who needs science any way" pipes up a little grade 4 boy as the teacher tries to explain the definition to electricity to the class. Little does he know that science has to do with almost everything. Science is the explanation of the world around us. This means it tells us why certain things in nature happen like why the sun rises and sets or why we get the flu if our friends or family members had it. Science is necessary for a person to study if they wish to have a job in the fast moving world. It is our duty and the duty of others to see that science is made a priority in our education system.

It is important for the Canadian government to know how well students are doing in science for many reasons. Firstly, what children learn in schools can impact society and the economy in the future. It is not something that should be taken lightly especially since we are entering the 3rd millennium. The government must observe if the science part of the education system is suited for the rapidly developing world around us. It is important for Canada to see each province's weaknesses and strong points in their educational system so each province can improve their system or share their knowledge so the country can have graduates who are prepared for the world ahead of them.

If the government knows what jobs in the future will be of great demand or what education background is needed for a good, well-paying job then they can put emphasis and direction on those sort of things in school. This will make Canadian students ready for the future and may even make Canada a more influential and prosperous country.

Canada can improve its economy by knowing how well students are doing in science. By observing the popularity of certain sciences, the government can help companies to foster development in these areas. This will develop jobs tailored to the interest and abilities of its future work force.

For the prosperity of the country, it is the governments responsibility to evoke the interest of science in children. This can be done through different ways. One way is through science fairs which can be held in your school or be part of a national fair, such as the Calgary Youth Science Fair. Another is visiting your local science center or museum and taking part in science programs which can show children the fun side of science. This will also allow children to see first hand what science is all about and may even draw them to a particular area of science such as biology or chemistry. These programs can be funded by universities, the government or private companies.

Science is fun and it is important for a career in the job market. Just think about it for a moment. Almost every career that is m great demand in the job market has to do with science such as engineering, computer scientists and information technology. In high school, it is usually recommended to do physics, chemistry and biology. These courses will allow you to have many options in preparing for university when you have to choice a particular science to study.

In an edition of Job Futures, physical science graduates account for 4.9% of all post-secondary graduates 63% which are for computer science. The current labor market conditions for the occupations in which these graduates are expected to look for work are good. The labor market outlook for recent graduates from masters, undergraduates, colleges and trade/vocational has been good for 1996 and will be good - until 2001. These are good statistics but they can be improved on if we wish to keep up in the world of science.

Science is important in the international job market. Countries all across the world are desperately trying to find explanations for the natural phenomena that occur everyday. Computers aren't the only things that are of great interest. Jobs as biologist or chemists are also of great interest and provide employment opportunity worldwide. This relieves one of the uncertainty of whether or not you can find a good job.

Coming into the 3rd millennium, we face many questions. Is it possible to find a substance that can kill viruses, or stop the spread of cancer? Is the cloning of a human being possible? Can we find ways to preserve our natural resources and still meet the needs of all people? Again all of these questions are science related. We desperately search for answers to the problems of the world so we may head for bigger and better horizons such as outer space. Space has captured the imagination of humans for decades. We hope in the 3rd millennium we will explore this final frontier and answer the major question, "Do other forms of intelligent life exist?" We must prepare to attempt to answer some of these questions by studying science as a career.

Science is very important in terms of the present and future. The world is changing every moment, we must change with it. There is more to life than what we see. Students, with the help of teachers and the government, must prepare for what is ahead if they want to improve the world. To prepare students and the economy for the future, the government must observe the science in the education system. It may seem like there is a lot of weight on children's shoulders but remember there are three to four billion children in this world and if everyone of them did their part for the future, the world would be a much more advanced place.
