
Is "Blame Canada" a song worthy of an Oscar?

By Clarisa Borden
Hope Secondary School
Hope, British Columbia

The song "Blame Canada" from the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut has been nominated for an Oscar. It will be performed at the Oscars but it is not known who will be singing it. The Oscars will be broadcasted on March 26, 2000.

"Blame Canada" bashes Canadian pride. The song blames Canada for American children having bad behaviour and bad language. (For another opinion on this issue, check out Lisa Genaille's response to this article.)


The lyrics of this badly written song were printed with the announcement of the song being performed. The question is, why was this song nominated for an Oscar? The United States is blaming Canada for the so-called Canadian swearing and violence. As for South Park, the show's contents are full of violence and swearing. South Park is an American TV show and it promotes all of the swearing and violence to Canadian children.

South Park is seen basically everywhere in North America. It is supposed to be an adult TV show but the times that it airs are early enough for children to watch here in Canada and the United States. Look at the Canadian shows: North of 60, Witness, Red Green, DaVinci's Inquest and Smoke Signals and compare those to these American TV shows, South Park, Tom Greene, Simpsons and WWF. The facts are shocking when they prove that Canadian TV shows contain less swearing and inappropriate violence than U.S TV shows. The shows that are broadcasted on Canadian TV are mostly American syndicated TV shows bought from U.S networks. If we are the cause of American children swearing, it is probably because of watching American TV shows, especially South Park.

As for the song, "Blame Canada", this song discriminates the view of Canada as being violent. Question: "Quick, name a country that's dropped atomic bombs on real, live people! Hint: It rhymes with Bunited Strates of Bamerica. Hopefully this song would make the U.S come to realize that they nominated the wrong song as it continues to display hatred towards Canadians and it adds to the racism of other countries and people.
