Technology — what does the future hold?

Hazel McCallion Senior Public School
Mississauga, Ontario

By Geoffrey Legault, Grade 8


If you think about it, we humans have done pretty well. Today, we have such marvels as television, computers, and thinking machines, when only 50 years ago no one would have dreamed this possible.

Imagine then for a moment what the future holds for us. As a society, we are already so advanced that the future of technology should be very intriguing. Picture this -- twenty five years from now, people may be able to communicate from the moon to the earth instantly without delay and perhaps in a time difference of nano-seconds. Satellites could transfer messages across endless space instantaneously. No longer would anyone be isolated from the rest of the world, with information and relatives just a few seconds away via satellites.

Imagine us, able to peer into the earth's crust, and pinpoint locations of precious minerals and metals, or possible faults. Perhaps after assembling this information, we could gain a better understanding of our past and our future.

Teleportation is already a reality. Right now, we can transport only light but in 25 years time, the ability to teleport people may be a reality. No longer would we need any type of vehicle and no longer would car accidents or plane crashes be a threat. We would just de-materialize and re-appear anywhere our satellites could point. Not only would this be a safer way to travel, but this could advance exploration into space and eliminate threats to our environment

Like all things, technology can be both good and bad, depending on how we use it. Technology brings people together and develops our minds, and as long as we continue to use it wisely the future of humanity will surely be a good one. In fifty years time perhaps.... oh, wait, I almost went farther than I was supposed to, I'll just leave the imagining to you...


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