Science & Technology

Jobs for young people in science and technology

By David Carroll
Holy Spirit High School
Manuels, Newfoundland

   Science is the present and future of today's world. It is all around us; in the way we move, what we do, and what we use. Even the things we take for granted are in some way a part of science. This is why we need to learn about the world of science.

Canada needs to know how well students are doing in science for a couple of reasons. First, with the knowledge of the students' performance, Canada can determine if the education programs are challenging enough, or if they need to be more challenging. If the programs are fine the way they are, then they can be left alone. If, however, students find that the curriculum for science is too easy, then another program needs to be put in place, one that would nurture the students' scientific knowledge, and provide more skills in science for their life ahead.

I am currently in an advanced grade nine science course. So far, I have learned about things I never knew existed, and more about the way the world works. For example, the first part of the curriculum was chemistry. I learned about chemical reactions, and how things bond and form new materials. Now when I think about materials, I wonder 'what materials could I put with this one to make a new one?' With the proper instruction, students can learn exactly how to do just that, and then the people who pursue that particular skill could offer their services for the better of mankind.

Another reason why Canada should know how well students are doing in science is to prevent 'brain drain' by creating jobs that are associated with the fields of science that students are excelling in. For example, if students do extremely well in the area of computer science, then jobs should be created to accommodate some or most of those people. Also, the possession of these scientific skills would help to create jobs among the people. The scientists that work in the research and development area in businesses are always creating new products, and with that new industry for that product that they create. This would be creating a working environment for Canadian citizens because of the knowledge of science that people have.

Science is not only fun, but also important for a career in the international job market in many ways. Most of the fields of work are some form of science. The international job market depends on people that are knowledgeable in their specific field of science. This way, the country that those people work in benefit from any breakthroughs that they may have. They receive money for the product, and new industry is created, bringing the unemployment rate down for the country as well. Wouldn't it be nice for this country to be Canada?

There are many potential jobs in the world, in every imaginable field of science. There are many big corporations that have research and development areas where scientific expertise is required. The medical field is always designing new products, and modifying older ones to make them work more efficiently. One such product those medical scientists are working on is the bacteriophages that were discovered in Russia, and is now being researched, and attempted to be introduced in North America. Communications technology is important worldwide, in such things as the Internet, and telecommunications across the globe. Computer technology is one of the most evident of the branches of science in today's world, with all the computer generated and controlled systems. One such system would be the automatic production line in factories, operated by computer systems. Another would be the laser alarm systems in homes and commercial buildings.

Chemistry is a widespread field of science, ranging in careers from the development of new petrochemicals, to the development and testing of new and old pharmaceuticals. The production of new materials is based upon chemistry, and even the production of fireworks is the work of chemists. Biology is a field of science that helps us to understand the way other organisms bodies function, and provide the hope of being able to gather more information of our own bodies, and the comprehension of our complex systems. With this knowledge, we would be able to find cures for many complex diseases, for which there is no known remedy. The first one that comes to mind is cancer. Wouldn't it be nice to rid the world of this horrible disease? Geology gives us the information we need to manufacture everyday supplies, and the computer technology furthers this field in its detections of the movements of the earth, and earthquakes and other such natural phenomenon.

As you can plainly see, the international job market almost seems to revolve around science; with very few, if any, jobs having nothing to do with science. The advance of technology is the advance of new careers and the elimination of old ones that are no longer needed because of the replacement of manual workers with automated machines. If you want to be able to excel in today's reality, science is probably the best choice. It provides many opportunities for jobs, and if you search for the right job for you, you might find a job that pays well. Then the doors of options unlock themselves to you, opening the unexplored paths of the universe, just waiting to be discovered by you.
