GVC ISCF Group Creates Web Page

Garden Valley Collegiate
Winkler, Manitoba

By Joel (Grade 12)

A web page has been created for the Inter School Christian Fellowship group (ISCF) in GVC, Winkler. The page was posted on November 13 after being designed by Ron, Byron, and Joel.

The purpose of the page is to spread information, and to "allow people to respond with different ideas or opinions", said Ron.

One of the main features of the page is the "On the Net Interview", through which visitors can express their opinions about the importance of caring for others. Results of the interviews will be posted for others to read. The questions used in the interview may eventually change on a regular basis, although the creators have no immediate plans.

"On the Net Interviews" was inspired by "On the Street Interviews", in which students asked the same questions to people they met on the sidewalks. "On the Street Interviews" was part of Festival of Friends, a province wide ISCF event. The theme of the event was "Dare to Care: Stepping out of your Comfort Zone".

Other features include a random humour generator, a constantly updated schedule, a feedback form, and a statement of beliefs.

A common question with amateur web page makers is if people will see them. A number of things have been done to increase this site's traffic. For example, it has been added to the "Line Around the World", a group of web pages promoting friendship, and encouraging people "to go out of their way to perform an act of goodness."

This page is one of very few ISCF pages on the web. The designers encourage other chapters to create their own, and will gladly offer assistance.

The address of the GVC group's home page is http://www.gvsd.mb.ca/gvc/iscf/home.htm.

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